Microsoft the End?


Well!  just perhaps,  By the time you read this article we will all  have  a much  clearer  Idea of just what will happen to Microsoft after  the  recent judgement  in  an American Court that they are Guilty of an Unfair  Monopoly and bad business practices.

Having judged that Microsoft ARE guilty, We must now await the Punishment to be  doled  out.   It could be a Massive fine or even the  Splitting  of  the company into several Distintive trading Groups!

Lets say,  For one minute that the Judge decides to Fine Microsoft for their unfair Business Practice's of late, Just what would this Mean?

Well!   when  you  concider that "Microsoft" is valued at "Half  a  Trillion Dollers" any fine would be Shrugged off as Small change!  Just concider  for one moment what Half a Trillion Dollers amounts to! It is enough to fund the NHS (National Health System in the UK)  until 2011, Bill Gates himself has a Personal Fortune close to 100 Billion Dollers,  Thus making him RICHER  that
New Zealand or Ireland,  Or if would still can't Perceive this vast Fortune, Mr  Gates  could  easily Pay off Africa's National Debt and  still  live  in Comfort for the rest of his Natural life!
How can a Monetary Fine or Penalty Harm something Sooo! Big, I a word it can't.

Just how did Microsoft get to be so big? Sorry to all PC users out there, It certainly  is not because "Windows" is such a good product,  In fact  almost all  experts in the Computing field will tell you,  "Windows" is a  passable Operating System, Better that a few, But worse than a lot. No Microsoft grew so big, Not because of the Product, But rather because Bill Gates is such an
exceptional Businessman!

In  Microsoft's early days it was Bill Gates who struck up a deal with  IBM, Whereby they Agreed to use HIS Operating System on all their Computers!  ALL PC's even to this day are regarded as IBM CLONES, Ensuring that the Majority of PC's in the world now use Microsoft's Windows System.

Even  if we look at the very near future,  Windows are almost assured  of  a vast injection of Capital,  WHY Because the Computer revolution of CHINA  is just getting underway,  There is the Potential for a further Billion  and  a Half new Customers, And a lot more money into the "coffers" of Microsoft and Mr Gates.

So  a fine to Microsoft is really a Wasted exercise!  So just what will  the American  Government  decide to do to the Microsoft  World  Dominance?  Well Breaking  up the Company into several independant operations would  severely restrict the POWER of Microsoft, And there is a very strong Possibility that this will happen.

What  we  are seeing here is a Battle!  A Battle between Microsoft  and  the American  Government over control of the information age.  Truth  be  known, Microsoft  is  now so big that many in Government FEAR the  power  that  the Wield in the land of Computing.

USA the land of Capitalism! But the land that hates Capitalists!

Now before all you American readers start writing hate mail to me!  I should perhaps  make  it quite clear that this statement could also  hold  true  in almost every Country in the World.

It is an In built part of Human nature to support the Underdog!  Well!  that is until the Underdog becomes the TopDog then Mankind turns against them!

Let me try to explain the statement a little better,  Several years ago,  In the world of Snooker,  An exciting new Talent was announced to the World  in the  name of Steve Davis,
Almost the whole of the UK supported him and  his efforts to become the Youngest man to lift the world Crown,  Which of course he  did,  And then Again and Again.  Steve Davis became a Victim of his  own Success  and  the Snooker fans started to look for a person to overturn  his Dominance So emerged Stephen Hendry!  Through the Years He achieved all  the Steve  Davis did and More,  So again the Fans turned on him and  looked  for someone to beat him,  And so it goes!  Why are Jimmy White and Alex  Higgens Known as the Peoples champions,  Is it not because we always want to support the  Underdog?  Until that is they become a success then we stop  supporting them.
Would  Diana have become "The Peoples Princess"  or  the  "Queen  ofHearts"  If the Royal Family had treated her as an Equal? I doubt it!

The  simple  fact  is that Bill Gates and Microsoft have become  Victims  of their own Success,  People,  Even People in Government are running Scared at the  Power  and  Success they have achieved.  This  success  will  be  their downfall as Many now want them to fail,  To put them back in the place  that they belong!

However Mr Gates and Microsoft have sufficent funds behind them  to  put  up one Hell of a fight! and the Battle is not over Yet!

However  we are witnessing the beginning of the end,  A piece of Modern  day History, The Fall of the Microsoft Dynasty

 -= Ian C Fyvie =-